Just a few weeks ago I flew into the Denver International airport. I was told I would be able to clearly view the Rockies right from the terminal. Upon arrival, I shot up to the upper level of the building which is pretty much glass for optimal visuals and...nothing?? I swung around to the other side and the same thing. Joe Gossack picked me up and I asked where the Rockies went. He said they were very much present but a pesky fire about 100 miles away was throwing up the smoke that was covering them for the moment. The folks I stayed with had daily updates and it seemed the fire was growing but they never dreamed, nor did I, that the pesky fire would soon become the largest most destructive fire in Colorado history. It continues to roar as I write this. I was told by my hosts that when fire touches a section of the Rockies, at least one generation will never see them in their former glory again. Because of the altitude, things grow extremely slow. The once tree covered canyons will take decades to even begin to recover.
I've been given a wonderful gift. A sabbatical to refresh and recover from a pretty tough season of personal loss. Other than a few observations posted here, I will spend 6 weeks away from work, the phone, email and on break from social media. The sole reason for this blog is to possibly help some others who may have been banged up a little along the way. Pray for me as I pray for you.
Friday, June 29, 2012
Day Twenty Nine
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Day Twenty Eight
Up at dawn. First one at the waters edge. I made a few hundred casts with my special but highly ineffective lure. No fish but the surroundings were majestic. Best medicine in the world. I told the author He does incredible work.
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Day Twenty Seven
17 The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears them;
he delivers them from all their troubles.
18 The Lord is close to the brokenhearted
and saves those who are crushed in spirit.
18 The Lord is close to the brokenhearted
and saves those who are crushed in spirit.
19 The righteous person may have many troubles,
but the Lord delivers him from them all;
20 he protects all his bones,
not one of them will be broken.
but the Lord delivers him from them all;
20 he protects all his bones,
not one of them will be broken.
21 Evil will slay the wicked;
the foes of the righteous will be condemned.
22 The Lord will rescue his servants;
no one who takes refuge in him will be condemned.
the foes of the righteous will be condemned.
22 The Lord will rescue his servants;
no one who takes refuge in him will be condemned.
Psalm 34:17-22 David
God knew that while we are living this side of heaven that there
would be people, events and issues that would break the hearts of His followers and so He has a plan for the most devastating moment in
your life.
The word "broken" in Hebrew is the word shabar and it
means "to rend violently, wreck or crush; to maim, cripple, to shatter
or break." The ancient Hebrew is a very descriptive language and so
this word shabar comes not only with a definition, but also with
situations that it was used in the description of. This word was used
to describe ships that had been splintered and torn from stem to stern
due to ferocious and wild winds. It was also used to describe the
action of tearing and ripping that wild, ravenous beasts performed upon
their prey. It could literally be translated "the ruptured hearted
The word for "heart" in this particular Scripture is the
word leb and it is referring to the soul or heart of a man. It
encompasses one's moral character, appetites, emotions, passions and
even the mind and the memory.
When David declares that "The
Lord is near to the brokenhearted," his words are words spoken with
tender care and great compassion. He is reminding all of Christendom that the Lord is lovingly attentive to those who
are enduring unimaginable pain. This pain may have been caused by a
great catastrophe in your life or by a wild and ferocious person, but the
Lord is standing attentively beside you paying diligent attention to
your shattered and bleeding heart.
If you have ever suffered from
this torturous condition, I can assure you that you were never out of
God's care. If, today, you are emotionally torn apart and wonder how
you will make it through one more today, I want to comfort you with the
surety that He is with you now.
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Day Twenty Six
Today was a rough. I expected some set-backs and they showed up. Glad they did because I didn't want this time off to be unrealistic. I received news that serious tragedy hit a family I love and it stirred up a ton of feelings I'm all too familiar with. This kind of stuff is inescapable and I have to be able to roll with it. I put to use some of the things I learned in Colorado and it helped.
Monday, June 25, 2012
Day Twenty Five
These words from an ancient book of the bible moved me today. The prophet says, "You have taken up my cause, O Lord; you have redeemed my life." There will be times for each one of us throughout this experience of life on earth where we will really need help. It won't be the typical bump in the road or common disappointment. Something or someone will so overpower you that you lose your way. We hope and pray for an advocate that will step in and help us swim back to the surface. In this passage, the Lord Himself took up the cause and redeemed a life. I have no desire to exaggerate the circumstances I've been working through or to assign unique importance to my need but I honestly believe the Lord took up my cause and helped me. I have seen His hand and heart at every turn over these past three weeks. I am so very grateful. I had a long talk with my pastor and friend Derek today. It was so good to hear from him. He is so instrumental in my being able to get some help and having this time off. Thanks D for everything. This was a good day.
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Day Twenty Four
Great to worship with some old friends at the McLane Church Union City site. We're doing the same kind of deal they are meeting in a High School. Very excited that they recently secured a permanent facility right off the main street. Worship was really rich this morning and it was very encouraging to spend time there.
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Day Twenty Three
Joy is an interesting thing. It's defined this way. The emotion evoked by well-being. It's called for over 200 times in the Bible. Nehemiah taught that the joy of the Lord is our strength and Paul commanded not once but twice that God's people should be joyful. "Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice!" Who has a deeper sense of well being than a friend of Jesus? He has brought peace to our souls. The need for joy and how to protect it is something we discussed for hours while I was in Colorado. I was reminded that joy can be punctured, deflated, even smothered by the harsh surroundings of this world if we're not careful. I was trained to maintain a healthy vertical focus. Looking horizontally alone, there is much sadness to be found. For a season, all I seemed to find looking across the span of others lives was death, heartache, grief and darkness. It's easy to be depressed by gazing at this fallen world without the balance of looking upward. In 1922, these words were written yet they still ring out around the world. "Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in His wonderful face, and the things of earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of His Glory and Grace." The vertical view. The epicenter of joy. Refusing to become joyless...no matter what. Paul commanded rejoicing in one of the darkest periods of his life. I feel strength pouring back into me. I am so grateful.
PS: Annie and I caught up on a few films we have wanted to see. Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close blew us away. I have never seen a child actor put out that level of intensity and depth in a performance and certainly not one who has never acted before. Thomas Horn was discovered because someone on the production team saw him as a contestant on Jeopardy/Kids Week. Very moving story and this kid carried the film.
Friday, June 22, 2012
Day Twenty Two
Certainly one of the highlights of the past few weeks was spending time in Parker, Colorado at the base of the Rocky Mountains. I enjoyed the company of two very special people, Dr. Keith and Lorna McDonald. The McDonald's have lived near the Rockies for over 40 years. Lorna is from Alberta Canada so the Rockies have been a part of her life since childhood. Needless to say, these guys knew a ton of history. They gave me a special guided tour of the range traveling through the famous Guanilla Pass which starts in the prairie and goes all the way above tree line. Because of the altitude, nothing grows much more that a few feet on the mountain tops. It was surreal. These two were great story tellers showing me Indian strongholds and hundreds of abandoned mines. The told me the story behind the saying "Pikes Peak Or Bust." They waited for just the right moment to deliver the punch line. We vertically climbed for what felt like hours and once we crested the mountain, they said, Imagine taking weeks to climb what we just accomplished only using mules to pull the wagons. Once at the top you're greeted with the breath taking view of dozens of other mountains and the sinking feeling that you may have bitten off more than you can handle. Pikes Peak was the first view of the Rockies settlers got crossing the prairies. They traveled long days to reach the peak thus the "or bust." Once there, they climbed the mountain only to find the mountains extended as far as the eye could see. While in Colorado, I was being pressed by God to consider the depth of His love. I had lost sight that His mercy, grace and love are without end. When I had my first glimpse from the top of one mountain only to see mountain tops that seemed to go on forever, I was overcome with emotion that God is anything but small and His resources are vast. It was a very spiritual experience. I see the words of Amos 4:13 in such a different light: For behold, he who forms the mountains and creates the wind, and
declares to man what is his thought, who makes the morning darkness, and
treads on the heights of the earth— the LORD, the God of hosts, is his
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Day Twenty One
I opened this blog mainly for myself. I wanted to look back and see all that God would do over this time off to rest and heal. I also left a link on fb with the hope that others may benefit from this experience. Apparently, some have found it helpful as there have been nearly 1300 hits in the last few weeks. That's pretty cool.
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Day Twenty
My definition of grace has been the same for decades. Grace equals
unmerited favor. There is certainly truth in that statement but there
is so much more to this expansive gift from God. God's heart is
literally soaked in grace. Even as he dispenses such things as
judgement and wrath, grace remains intact. I have had plenty of time to
reflect on God's grace and how I both receive it and extend it. This
story impacted me.
During WWII a man died in battle and his two friends
desperately wanted to give him a decent burial. They found a cemetery in
a nearby bombed out village. It happened to be a Roman Catholic cemetery and the
dead man had been a Protestant. When the two friends found the priest in
charge of the burial grounds, they requested permission to bury their
friend, but the priest refused because the man had not been a Catholic.
When the priest saw their disappointment, he explained that they could
bury their friend immediately outside the fence. This was done. Later, they returned to visit the grave, but
couldn't find it. Their search led them back to the priest and, of
course, they asked him what had happened to the grave. The priest told
them that during the night he was unable to sleep. So he got up and
moved the fence to include the dead soldier. And so it is with God. He was not able to sleep
until He had made a way for the unlovely and unworthy to be included in
His gracious love. In point of fact, He not only moved the fence, He
actually destroyed the barrier into His holy presence. But He did so
through the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and His cross. It is through
the crucified Christ, and Him alone, that we freely approach the Father.
God's grace is truly amazing and it saved a wretch like me. I finished a remarkable book by Jerry Sittser called A Grace Disguised. Upon conclusion, I feel the same way about my understanding of grace as I do about my grasp on astronomy when I stare into the sky on a clear night. It's overwhelming.
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Day Nineteen
5 phone calls. Each one with a similar message. Someone important to me was gone and each one passed tragically. There wasn't even time to process one of these departures let alone five. I continue to utilize the gift of time to bring these hurts to God. The scriptures have been like a soothing balm especially having the time to let them roll over my mind and emotions with no interruptions. I see light at the end of the tunnel and I couldn't say that just a few weeks ago. I cherish these words. They are so alive to me. "Then your light shall break forth like the
morning, Your healing shall spring forth speedily, And your righteousness
shall go before you; The glory of the LORD shall be your rear guard." I continue to pray the same relief for my family members who were hit much harder than I. Pressing on.
Monday, June 18, 2012
Day Eighteen
Jesus invited us to "follow Him." It's a daily joy to receive that offer afresh. To begin a day and wonder where and how He will guide us. Today was a really good day. I was able to review all of the input I received last week in Denver. I have the rest of my life to build what I learned into my soul but it's going to happen one day at a time. Deciding one more time to follow Him into new behaviors, away from old ones and always interacting with the people He loves. Yep, today was a good day. It's ending well too. I'm listening to Annie laugh herself sick in the other room watching the new Jim Gaffigan special. She has the best laugh on earth. Got some reading to do before bed. I think I have read more in the past two weeks than I have all year. Blessings!
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Days Fifteen - Seventeen
Travel days have made updating impossible. Left Denver Friday evening and spent 2 days with Annie in Cleveland debriefing my experience. Arrived back in Erie and enjoyed a wonderful reunion with my family. I'll update more in the days to come but let me say this. If you need help with something. Perhaps some area of your life that you have been really been struggling with. Get help. It won't go away on its own.
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Day Fourteen
I use the word intense quite a bit. Probably too often because much of what I assign it toward isn't all that extreme. This week was intense in every sense of the word. I have gone places in my soul that I didn't believe possible. The Word of God is said to penetrate so deeply that it divides "soul and spirit." I honestly never understood what that means. I do now. I came here a hurting skeptic. I could not imagine much happening in a weeks time but God had plans. I have gone to bed each night exhausted from the rigorous drills of exposing wrong perceptions toward suffering and learning to replace it with trust. The homework has been plentiful but perfecting matched to the actual counseling sessions. This evening was increasingly intense because I was given the gift of releasing my saddness, weakness, confusion and fatigue in a waterfall of praise and confession 12,000 ft up in the center of the Rocky Mountains. Never will I forget addressing Him in that setting. These words sung regularly with church will never be experienced the same way again.
Deliverer, Come set me free Break every chain holding me, Deliverer Come have Your way I surrender to Your rule and Your reign Where the Spirit of the Lord is There is freedom Where the Spirit of the Lord is There is healing. You say the word Mountains are moved Oceans and stars Stand in awe of You Just say the word And I will be changed. We'll see Your face And we will not be the same.
Deliverer, Come set me free Break every chain holding me, Deliverer Come have Your way I surrender to Your rule and Your reign Where the Spirit of the Lord is There is freedom Where the Spirit of the Lord is There is healing. You say the word Mountains are moved Oceans and stars Stand in awe of You Just say the word And I will be changed. We'll see Your face And we will not be the same.
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Day Twelve
I think of the catastrophic loss I have seen in Haiti after the earthquakes and the homes in New Orleans after Katrina. Peoples lives so torn apart that it's impossible to find any sense of what it used to be like before the nightmare. Yet, people adapt. After awhile, it seems normal that your missing a roof and living under a tarp until perhaps that day arrives and someone comes to help you rebuild.
It's not that different when your personal life, your inner feelings get blown apart by a series of very unpleasant ugly circumstances. In time, you tend to adapt to some lesser way of thinking and feeling. That's me. Then one day some people showed up to help me rebuild. They point out just how wrong it is to live without a roof if there are people willing to build you a new yet different one. David, Keith and Lorna are masterfully showing me a better way. I will never forget this special time.
It's not that different when your personal life, your inner feelings get blown apart by a series of very unpleasant ugly circumstances. In time, you tend to adapt to some lesser way of thinking and feeling. That's me. Then one day some people showed up to help me rebuild. They point out just how wrong it is to live without a roof if there are people willing to build you a new yet different one. David, Keith and Lorna are masterfully showing me a better way. I will never forget this special time.
Monday, June 11, 2012
Day Ten & Eleven
Someday I will go into detail exactly how God orchestrated my being in the setting I'm currently in. I am with a small tribe of people hand-picked by God to pour into my life. I have learned more about myself in the last two days than at any other time. The nurturing and counseling skill set these people have is off the charts. To think God Himself, through the love and care of my family and church family, put this together for me is humbling and incredibly appreciated. I'm also going to see a few things that I always hoped I would. I am deeply deeply grateful.
Saturday, June 9, 2012
Days Eight & Nine
Going to combine a few days here because it may be tough to get on a computer for awhile. I have often referred to these words of instruction Paul wrote to Timothy. "All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness." He is showing his young friend, colleague and student that the bible is God's gift to us to educate, guide and keep us on track. Sadly, many don't realize how much more the scriptures are capable of. I've been through a good deal of heartache this year. To protect myself, I closed down so many emotional portals so I could at least function day to day. If I faced the sadness, I feared I would crack. I am one of the ones who failed to realize God could and would heal me by using the scriptures, His Spirit and the love of the church. I found myself going to the Bible to mine material to teach, train, correct and rebuke others just as Paul wrote but pulled back from allowing them to pierce me. This past week, I dropped all my defenses. The power of love soaked within each verse washed over me. I am so thankful for what is happening during these days of rest. Last night, the prophetic words of Isaiah reminded me exactly why Jesus extended friendship to me and to you: He came, to comfort all who mourn, and provide for those who grieve in Zion—to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning
and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair.
Those words, offering a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair, rocked me. God is providing me a fresh clean robe of praise. I can and will toss off the weighty garment of despair. Such a hopeful day.
PS: Note to self, don't forget all that Boo and C taught you at the fishing pond today. What a gift they are to me.
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Day Seven
If someone asked what my hobbies/passions are I would quickly snap off this list. Anything to do with the water, the woods, hunting, fishing, writing, biking and all things music. My faith and family trumps everything on that list but I deeply enjoy each and every item. Then why have I let them slip away? This past year erased so many things I cherish. I found my fishing vest last night and the license pinned to the chest was from 2008! Seriously, four years since I've indulged in something I labeled a passion? I'm taking my life back.
This morning I watched day break in the lagoons. Presque Isle, one of Pennsylvania's premiere state parks is a bike ride from my home. It's a 3200-acre sandy peninsula that arches out into Lake Erie. In the center is a wild waterway called the lagoons. It felt so good to be there again, my 2012 license flapping in the morning breeze. God knew each one of us would need to connect our hearts to things like nature, the arts, music, space, creativity...whatever. He always desired for us to embrace the garden, to marvel at what He made and to enjoy it with Him. That's part of what makes rest work. Rest isn't moving from one to-do list to another list that's a little more personal. This morning, every fiber of my being was at rest. In that setting filled with wildlife everywhere, the tugging of a fish on the line, greeting the kayak captains as they drifted by and my favorite music streaming on Pandora, I was at rest.
I'm taking my life back.
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Day Six
Very easy going day by design. Loving these long slow days with Annie. Today, we had a special guest. Ian Adams stopped over. He's a really sweet kid. Always a smile on his face. All my grand-kids have nicknames and those names came easy to me. Struggled a little with Ian but we finally landed on Ian "Patch" Adams. It was very soothing to have this time with him. Children have a way of breaking things down to the simplest levels. Goofy noises, rubbing noses, tossing him in the air and singing little songs brought him a lot of joy. It did for me too. I preached a good deal the month prior to this sabbatical. One of the verses I spoke on was Zephaniah 3:17, "The LORD your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great
delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over
you with singing." I have thought about that last statement ever night since I taught it--He will rejoice over you with singing. There is no song I would rather hear than His. Watching Ian respond to my song makes me long to hear His! Another good and helpful day.
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Day Five
I spent the entire day resting. One of the things that unraveled me over this past year was lack of sleep. I was determined to push through busy days/months weary or not. It didn't work. A statement like this one in Matthew 11 reminded me today just how understanding God is. I rested today because He invited me to. For the longest time I saw the yoke Jesus offered as a call to service. A walking and serving in tandem. It's far more than that. It's a transfer of the weight I can't carry alone from my soul to His Spirit. It's a place of learning and understanding. God is supremely powerful yet gentle and humble in heart. His promise is solid. Today I found rest for my soul.
Monday, June 4, 2012
Day Four
It will be helpful to look back over these entries in the months and years ahead. The primary expectations I have for this sabbatical are entwined. To overcome my inability to process the heaviness and grief that has landed in my heart and robbed me of passion and focus. I lost a number of wonderful people over the past year plus. Also, to strengthen my heart and spirit to finish this last chapter of my life well. One of the dynamics of a sabbatical is to completely sever yourself from ones work/ministry related activities and relationships. The past four days have already proven how much I love what I do and who I do it with. I serve with some pretty spectacular people in a challenging and exciting environment. With all of that stripped away, I'm getting a pretty good look at how much my personal life has eroded. Business has a way of providing excuses for our not pouring attention into the very things that make us...us. My roles in life, in and of themselves, do not define me. It's me--the individual fully loved by and fully open to God that must flourish. I taught this sentence hundreds of times and somehow lost my grip on it. God is far more interested in who you are than what you do. My life infused with power from replenishing my soul, renewing my mind and obeying my God will make what I do matter. This was a good day.
Sunday, June 3, 2012
Day Three
I reviewed a journal I began the first week of January 2011. I wrote these words, "I believe 2011 will be one of the most
challenging years of my life." I had no idea how true those words would prove to be. Never dreamed my most significant challenges to date would come in the later chapters of my life... but they have. They have changed me. In many ways for the better but in some, there has been damage. Thankful for this time to realize afresh that Our God is greater, our God is stronger, God You are higher than any other, Our God is Healer, awesome in power.
Once again, He blessed the early hours of this morning with great encouragement and very personal interaction. I forget how overwhelming a worship experience can be when you have no obligations in the running of it. Not sure if this is just me or if all people who serve on Sunday mornings miss at least some the heart and essence of what God's Spirit it doing. Often, my thoughts are entangled in what next thing I have to do in the service so, engaging in the moment gets kind of crushed. LOVED my time with the people of Elevate Church. It was so refreshing to worship my heart out with them. Pastor Colby punched home a few ways we can override the complaining we so easily fall into. Gratitude trumps so many evil and useless thoughts and keeps joy alive. Here was my take away: Gratitude begins where my sense of entitlement ends.
Three days and God has already been so generous with me. There is much still to experience, receive, review and release in my soul but...healing is beginning to take place.
Saturday, June 2, 2012
Day Two
Promised myself I wouldn't waste one precious moment of this gift of time to spend as I wish. Sure wasn't expecting my portion for this day to come so early. I took a long morning drive around this city that I have spent my entire life in. It's beautiful to watch a community come alive as dawn breaks.
I enjoyed a unique form of prayer, worship and thanksgiving as each street revealed a memory, an experience, an encounter from the past. Looking over the bay with the sun rising over Presque Isle, I thought of my dad and our countless hours in the boat, rounding the park, I thought of the day I saw Annie there. I had just met her. 16 years old, beautiful and full of life. I thought of all the trouble I got in growing up on the lower east side and grateful I escaped a life far from God. Sat in front of the Boston Store, Erie's heritage downtown meeting place for teenagers in the 60's and 70's. Thought of the times I preached in front of it when I found Christ hoping to introduce others to His magnificence. Funny, I always dreamed of the day I would leave here but that day never came. Now, I can't imagine being anywhere else.
Driving toward home, Brent Bourgeois's song Total Surrender absolutely broke me. I haven't wept like that in a very long time. It was good. It was cleansing. It was so needed. I felt like I had "kissed the Son" as Psalm two encourages. God so knew I needed this time and the fact He jumped right in with me this morning in such a meaningful way broke my heart the way it's supposed to be broken.
Friday, June 1, 2012
Day One
Facing the first of many days with no pressing obligations, I couldn't block out the uneasiness churning inside. The inertia of a very busy life won't be tamed instantly. Felt I should start a list of things to accomplish to validate my getting to live another day. Once I began reading the Psalms and felt the soothing calm that words of life bring to a ramped-up soul, the knots began to loosen. A lover of scripture is like "a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers." Such beautiful imagery, such beautiful truth.
Ready for an adventure, I went and picked up C-Boy. We have "guys days", just the two of us doing guys stuff. Over lunch, I asked him several serious questions to see what he would come up with. That was just after he announced to the entire restaurant in his best deep super hero voice that he had to "poop" and took off toward the restrooms. He got a few good laughs out of that one.
Once settled, we went through a discussion something like this:
- C, do people love you? Yes! How do you know? Because we're having guys day and you know I love guys day. He then moved over to my side of the booth.
- Are you afraid of anything? Yes. Like what? Spiders! Are you afraid right now? No. Why? Because you're here.
- Are you going to pay for lunch? Noooo. Why not? That's your job!
- Are you ever sad? Yes. When? When Allie's not here.
- What are these people singing about???? As we both stop to listen to the music in the Mexican restaurant, I said "can't you tell?" I don't understand Chinese! Oh boy.
What a thrill it is to watch a kid being a kid. Jesus was very serious when used a child as an example for His disciples to follow. He said they would never understand His kingdom without trusting like a kid. What a PERFECT thing to experience today. Kids are at peace when they have caring adults paying attention, joining them at play and providing strength to wipe away tears and fears. Thanks C. Great reminder that in Gods eyes...I will always be a child.
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