If someone asked what my hobbies/passions are I would quickly snap off this list. Anything to do with the water, the woods, hunting, fishing, writing, biking and all things music. My faith and family trumps everything on that list but I deeply enjoy each and every item. Then why have I let them slip away? This past year erased so many things I cherish. I found my fishing vest last night and the license pinned to the chest was from 2008! Seriously, four years since I've indulged in something I labeled a passion? I'm taking my life back.
This morning I watched day break in the lagoons. Presque Isle, one of Pennsylvania's premiere state parks is a bike ride from my home. It's a 3200-acre sandy peninsula that arches out into Lake Erie. In the center is a wild waterway called the lagoons. It felt so good to be there again, my 2012 license flapping in the morning breeze. God knew each one of us would need to connect our hearts to things like nature, the arts, music, space, creativity...whatever. He always desired for us to embrace the garden, to marvel at what He made and to enjoy it with Him. That's part of what makes rest work. Rest isn't moving from one to-do list to another list that's a little more personal. This morning, every fiber of my being was at rest. In that setting filled with wildlife everywhere, the tugging of a fish on the line, greeting the kayak captains as they drifted by and my favorite music streaming on Pandora, I was at rest.
I'm taking my life back.