Tuesday, July 17, 2012

First Day Back!

I'm not sure how it is for others but usually my first day back from vacation is kind of rough.  There is so much to catch up on.  Emails to respond to, calls to return and a pile of work to wade through.  Vacation for me is usually a week or two at a time.  Imagine what's waiting after 6 weeks!  The truth is, returning to the office today was wonderful.  I feel lighter, younger, focused and most importantly...free.  I was able to release so much of the weight I have been carrying and properly embrace the high level of loss I have experienced.  The staff I get to serve with is remarkable.  They are so encouraging.  I am holding tightly to Paul's words to the Philippian church, "And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ."  Never, never ever think for a moment that God will forget about you or stop short in getting you to where He wants you to be.