Sunday, June 24, 2012

Day Twenty Four

Great to worship with some old friends at the McLane Church Union City site.  We're doing the same kind of deal they are meeting in a High School.  Very excited that they recently secured a permanent facility right off the main street.  Worship was really rich this morning and it was very encouraging to spend time there. 

I must have driven by a dozen small country churches on my way to the meeting.  Parking lots each had about a dozen cars which was in stark contrast to the jammed golf courses.  The one Flea Market we passed looked like a mini Woodstock.  God's Spirit is alive and well on planet earth yet the majority of the people are either clueless of that reality or they have purposely dismissed Him from their lives.  I prayed this morning that God would top off my passion to connect people to Jesus Christ.  Knowing people are living their lives void of any understanding of the true Christ is heartbreaking.  I want to use the time I have left to speak loud, clearly and often about the risen Christ.